I quit! I quit fear, I quit just trying to survive, and most of all I quit lack in my future. I am so excited because I know God has me on this second act of my life. Now, what am I going on and on about? Well, let me tell you. :)
Work From Home?
A few years ago I came across an online ESL company via a work from home forum. I was looking for a work at home second job because I didn't feel like having to drive to another job and pull a shift. Yes, the realities of teaching are that you might have to get a second job to make ends meet. But I didn't get into teaching for the money.
I needed a legit, work from home job that actually gave a paycheck. I thought it was impossible until VIP Kid. It stated that it was an online ESL teaching job that paid from $16 to $22 per hour. I thought I'd give it try and so I did. I did the interview and the mock classes but I wasn't hired! Yep, this teacher wasn't hired for this teaching position. So I didn't reapply.
Fast forward to the end of 2018 and I kept getting emails from them to re-apply. So I needed the extra cash and I thought, "Why not?" I reapplied, did the recording interview/mock, and had to do a mock class to become certified. Well, I did the mock and another and another and another. I did 5 mocks but no certification. Now they are an amazing company so I thought maybe I should try another one. And I did! I also got hired!
Gogo Kid
I was almost out of hope but I found this very similar company called Gogo Kid. I decided it wouldn't hurt to try this one. Maybe I might have a better chance. So I applied and booked an interview/demo. Well, for weeks I didn't go through with it. Last week I decided to stop being lazy and just book the demo. I think I was a little jaded from my VIP Kid experience. My interview was at 10:30pm and I woke up at 10:26pm. I almost didn't go but I did!
Hired but Waiting
I just got hired but I haven't had any classes. I also got hired with Itutor Group. Why two? Because home girl needs some supplemental income! :) I will do a month update with both of these companies.
Let's Hire You!! 😄
I can help you get hired with Gogo Kid or Itutor Group!! Just click on the link below. If you click on link and apply please email me at audramurrieta@yahoo.com I will set up either a Skype or Zoom free training with you. I will mentor you to get the job and to get great feedback.
Apply For This Amazing Work From Home Job!!
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