Sunday, February 10, 2019

2019 Sucks!

I haven't been keeping up with my blog. I think it's been a week right? Well, I can say that 2019 sucks. It hasn't gotten off to a great start as there has been some bad news within my family. I can say that my faith is really being tested right now. What do you do when a family member gets diagnosed with a sickness that makes any person immediately want to cry when they hear it?


"It can't be happening." That's all that I keep saying. I'm not going to lie. I thought the worse when I heard it happen to my mom. But I can't help but remember the words God spoke to me through a song as I drove home from the hospital, "It's not over yet." I believe that we are going to beat this. I believe she's going to live a long life and that cancer is NOT going to take her. I have total faith that the ending will be happy one. I have faith.

Audra Inc. on Youtube!
Instagram: Audrainc

Sunday, February 3, 2019

The Secret To Defeating Fear!

Break Free!
My heart was racing and everything seemed to be magnified by 10! I felt trapped and as if the whole world was glaring at me. I tried hard to ignore the feeling of utter doom but my brain wouldn't give me a free pass that day. My brain was being controlled and it wouldn't let go. But than I learned a secret. I found the secret for breaking free and living a life where I was walking in confidence.

I did what I knew I had to do in order to beat this fear and you can do it too. Don't worry, I won't be charging you to find out. Alright, the secret to defeating fear is to start realizing that it's all a LIE!! That's right! Fear is a lie and it will make you think that things are more worse than they really are. The enemy will use this in order to cripple you from doing what God has called you to do. According to God's Holy Word it' states the following:

2 Timothy 1:7 King James Version (KJV)

For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

God's Word is proof that we don't need to live in constant fear. We also can't treat it like it's just another emotion. No. We need to be alert! 
How can you stand up to this bully?
Tip #1: Recognize!
Begin to recognize when you feel fear. Whatever it is that is causing that fear, recognize that it's there, but don't allow it to live in you! Serve fear the eviction notice!
Tip #2 Be Confident in Christ!
Know that you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you (Philippians 4:13). If God is bringing you to do something or to speak to someone please know that the enemy will try to throw that fear at you. When that happens, know that you don't have to take it, ad throw it back at the enemy!

Break the chains of fear but know that only Jesus Christ can do it!! Let Him and be set Free!! Walking confidently in your calling that is mandated by the supreme and mighty Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior! Glory hallelujah to King Jesus!
Photo Credit: Dr. Soleless Quantum

Check out my videos on Fear & Anxiety on my Youtube channel. The link is down below. 

Sunday, January 27, 2019

The Online ESL Craze!!

       I quit! I quit fear, I quit just trying to survive, and most of all I quit lack in my future. I am so excited because I know God has me on this second act of my life. Now, what am I going on and on about? Well, let me tell you. :)

Work From Home?
       A few years ago I came across an online ESL company via a work from home forum. I was looking for a work at home second job because I didn't feel like having to drive to another job and pull a shift. Yes, the realities of teaching are that you might have to get a second job to make ends meet. But I didn't get into teaching for the money.
       I needed a legit, work from home job that actually gave a paycheck. I thought it was impossible until VIP Kid. It stated that it was an online ESL teaching job that paid from $16 to $22 per hour. I thought I'd give it try and so I did. I did the interview and the mock classes but I wasn't hired! Yep, this teacher wasn't hired for this teaching position. So I didn't reapply.
       Fast forward to the end of 2018 and I kept getting emails from them to re-apply. So I needed the extra cash and I thought, "Why not?" I reapplied, did the recording interview/mock, and had to do a mock class to become certified. Well, I did the mock and another and another and another. I did 5 mocks but no certification. Now they are an amazing company so I thought maybe I should try another one. And I did! I also got hired!

Gogo Kid
       I was almost out of hope but I found this very similar company called Gogo Kid. I decided it wouldn't hurt to try this one. Maybe I might have a better chance. So I applied and booked an interview/demo. Well, for weeks I didn't go through with it. Last week I decided to stop being lazy and just book the demo. I think I was a little jaded from my VIP Kid experience. My interview was at 10:30pm and I woke up at 10:26pm. I almost didn't go but I did!

Hired but Waiting
I just got hired but I haven't had any classes. I also got hired with Itutor Group. Why two? Because home girl needs some supplemental income! :) I will do a month update with both of these companies.

Let's Hire You!! 😄
I can help you get hired with Gogo Kid or Itutor Group!! Just click on the link below. If you click on link and apply please email me at I will set up either a Skype or Zoom free training with you. I will mentor you to get the job and to get great feedback.
Apply For This Amazing Work From Home Job!!

Saturday, January 19, 2019

Take Back Your Joy!

Why Are You Letting Them?     
       Why are you allowing others to determine how you are going to feel for the day? We can set the tone of our day or even our life by the way we feel. If you are feeling anxiety over something someone (or even yourself) has said, well than you are setting yourself up for a lot of hurt.
       I remember all the times that I have suffered on the inside because of something that someone said. Their harsh, critical words were like a death sentence. I would look at their position that they had over me and would immediately have that sick pit in my stomach. After all, they were the experts right? That pit that screamed out "See, you really are a failure." Immediately forgetting all the other times I've been told "You were born for this" from other experts. I would allow the enemy to use those people to hurt my heart. To break my spirit. But no more. Enough is enough.

Here are some tips for not allowing anyone to break your spirit ever again!

Tip #1: Put up the shield of faith.
The Bible says in Ephesians 6 to put up the entire armor of God. One of those crucial pieces is the shield of faith. 

Ephesians 6:16--In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one.

Tip #2: Block It!
When someone has a criticism or tries to hold a lie about you over your head just block it! You don't need to receive their words. They aren't God! It's one thing if it's a genuine constructive criticism that you know will help you with your work or with your walk with God. But if it's aimed to hurt you or a retaliation against you, just block it. Walk away and give it to God. Don't talk about it anymore and forgive them. Don't give it anymore life by talking about it. Praise God and go about your day with the joy of the Lord. :)

Tip #3: Forgive and Pray
It really helps to just forgive them. I know it's hard when they made you feel like dirt and didn't seem to care. But they might be going through something that we don't know about. Forgive and pray that God gives you peace in your heart. He will and trust me, what they said will not even matter anymore.

Jesus said in Matthew 5:44:
But I tell you to love your enemies and pray for anyone who mistreats you. 

Tip #4: Self Care
Make sure that you take care of yourself. If you have a recharged body than you will have a recharged mind. If you have a strong mind than their hurtful words cannot penetrate your heart and soul. So brush off their ridiculous comment and watch a comedy. Or take a walk, have some tea, or just chill and listen to music.

Have a great week and don't forget to subscribe to my Youtube channel! I have a brand new video on Jesus resurrecting those dead things in your life. Check it out!! Link down below! See you next week! :)

Audra Inc. On Youtube!

Saturday, January 12, 2019

The Truth About Anxiety

          As I sit and write this blog I'm going to be transparent with you. I'm fighting anxiety right this minute. Well, the entire day I have been battling this monster that many call anxiety. Changes always seem to cause it but I have learned a valuable lesson or two in my journey with this crippling wall. I want to share a few tips that can help you cope with this. Things I'm currently using to overcome this. I just want you to know that you can and you will make it. Whether you are having an anxiety attack as you are reading this or you are sitting on the mountain top, I want you to know that you are never alone and you are brave.

Tip #1: Feel It!
Yep, you read this right. Feel it! Scary, right? Acknowledge that you are feeling that way but also acknowledge that you won't feel that way for long. Write it down in a journal but also ask yourself why? Why do you feel this way? Record in your journal everything you did right up to that anxiety attack.

*Tip #2: You Feel What You Eat
A great way to keep that annoying pest called anxiety away is by watching what you eat. Things like coffee and sugary foods can really make anxiety worse.

Foods and drinks such as:
*Added sugars like in some salad dressings, ketchup, white bread, and pastas.
*Conventional nondairy creamer

Foods that help reduce anxiety:
*Dark Chocolate (Yes!!!!!)
*Pumpkin Seeds
*Chamomile Tea

Those are just a few and I'm not saying to never eat or drink those other items. Just be mindful on what you consume, how much, and when. So if you got a big project to present or a job interview, put down that donut and have some chamomile tea yo. :)

Tip #3: Give It To The Lord
If you haven't noticed, I'm sold out to Jesus. I believe He helps me and He has helped me through many anxiety attacks. So if this isn't for you, that's okay. But each of my blogs will include Him. I have always given it to the Lord when I feel anxious or weak. I told you all about my battle today. I felt the enemy tell me that it won't ever get better. That my current situation is all my fault but I had to fight the enemy with pure truth.

And The Truth Shall Set You Free

The Bible says:
Philippians 4:6-7 (NIV) "Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." 

You have to fight for your peace! Declare the word of God over yourself. When the lies or anxiety come upon you, just say "That is a lie. Please God give me peace in Jesus name." 

The truth is that yes it's an annoying thing that likes to use some of our minds as a playground. But the truth is that we don't have to let it. We can take a stand, give it over to God, and NOT accept it when it rears its ugly head. Return to sender!!

You have the right to a peaceful mind so don't let it take that from you. God bless and I'm always praying for you.

*References: (2019).Crichton-Stuart, Cathleen. "What are some foods to ease your anxiety?" Medical News Today. 1 August 2018.

Check out my Youtube channel. Don't forget to like, subscribe, and do a cartwheel!
Audra, Inc.

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Tuesday, January 1, 2019

New Year, New You!

Welcome to my brand new blog called Audra, Inc! 
My name is Audra Murrieta and I am the founder of Audra, Inc. I have a Youtube channel that is aimed at vlogging and my brand new series, "Feed Your Soul Fridays."

Who Am I?
This blog site will be dedicated to my Lord Jesus Christ. What does that mean? Well that means that my blogs and Youtube videos will be dedicated to encouraging you to live your best life! Many of us live with depression or just constant worry. What if I told you that all of that could be eliminated? What if I had the answer to all of your problems and stress?

The answer is living a life with Christ in it. I know, I know. I can already hear it and it's okay. "I'm not religious." Or "If God is real, than why does He let bad things happen?" All of those are valid questions or statements. I'm not telling you how to think or what to do. However, I do want to offer some encouragement and tips to help you live your best life yet!

Five Tips For An Awesome Less Stressful 2019!
1. Focus on the positive.
Try looking on the brighter side of things. Whatever you choose to focus on is what you are going to feel in your heart. Whenever you start to feel a little negativity or thinking about something that causes you stress, just flip the script! Tell yourself you will not allow yourself to think those negative thoughts and thank God for your blessings instead. After all, Jesus said in Matthew 6:27-Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life[e]

2. Envision Hope!
Have you noticed that when you are feeling negative or feel down that everything seems to just go downhill from there? Try envisioning hope. Try to picture good things and declare the Word of God over yourself. Recite scripture that gives that hope such as Psalm 27:13-I remain confident of this: I will see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living.

3. Count Your Blessings...or write them!
Yes, literally count your blessings. It helps to remember all the amazing things you have in your life right now. It could be your family, friends, or that amazing career you always wanted. Even if it's just all the goodies your got this Christmas. Write them down in a journal or a piece of paper and tape it to your bedroom mirror or anywhere around the house. That way you can be reminded of all the blessings God has given you.

4. Journal!
It really helps me to write down my prayers or worries in a journal. Keeping a journal is not hard to do. You can type it but I find it's more beneficial to actually write it down. There's something special about getting that journal and pouring your heart out in it. Transfer all that stress and worry onto the paper. Read it back to yourself and leave it with God. You can make it as simple by just buying a notebook or as elaborate as you want with a cute journal like mine!

5. Eat Right!
Yes, whatever you put into your body connects to how you are going to feel on the inside. Try drinking more water or snacking on healthy foods such as fruits and vegetables. You don't have to go on this crazy diet to feel good on the inside. I used to suffer from anxiety and I learned that what I ate or drank had a huge impact on my anxiety. Things like coffee or sugary foods would cause my anxiety to skyrocket. I have an amazing friend/sister who keeps me in check whenever she does see that cup of joe in my hand. Big thanks to God for her! :) So try switching up the coffee to decaf or trading in that donut for some yummy strawberries.

I hope all of this helps you and I pray that you will allow God to help you live your best life yet. Stress free and filled with hope! He loves you and wants the best for you! 

Please check out my Youtube channel every Friday for more encouragement to help you be the best you. Just click on the link down below. Don't forget to give my videos a thumbs up, like, subscribe, and do a cartwheel! :)

God bless,
Audra, Inc.